MKD Guiding Principles that Drive Success

Your employees should come first.

Yes, customers are important. But they are the result of an organization that is comprised of happy, well-adjusted and purpose-driven individuals.

Purpose is what motivates employees today.

People crave purpose and want to know that what they do matters to the world, to their communities, and most importantly to themselves. The ability to get clear on what your business purpose is and how each person in your organization impacts that purpose, is necessary if you want to increase sales, customer loyalty, and ultimately your bottom line.

each individual is uniquely positioned to add value to your organization.

The world needs more leaders that apply a strengths-based approach to creating a high performing team. You will stand out as a leader when you can identify the individual strengths on your team and cultivate an inclusive environment that allows each person to flourish.

Culture eats Strategy for Lunch.

Yes. This is a fact. Culture is the leading driver of success or failure for business and the HR function sits at the core of developing, driving, and nurturing culture. The strategies that HR implements from diversity & inclusion, to how people are developed & trained, to policies that are implemented (or not) are significant drivers of how things get done.